Marilyn Nyborg
Marilyn Nyborg, a successful business owner and high tech recruiter in Silicon Valley for 25 years, co-founder of Gather the Women Global Matrix, Founder of Gather the Women of Nevada County and Women Waking the World, is a master networker with 45 years of connections in women’s leadership and women’s circles. She is a Speaker and Tele-seminar Leader, and Producer of a video The Book of Jane: the story of woman. Marilyn has taken her lifetime of experiences in sacred activism to develop an international network to restore feminine wisdom, values and influence in the service of all life. She is committed to a world that creates change in cultural values, personal choices, and policies worldwide that shift humanity’s consciousness from separation and domination to integration and unity.
Watch Your Language
By Marilyn Nyborg
February 28, 2015
Although a minority of men are abusers and rapists, the majority of men remain silent about women’s safety and the rights of women’s bodies, child care, and equal pay. A majority of male elected officials do not see the need to advocate for women’s safety and human rights.
Now we call on men to deal with Men’s Issues. Now is the time for men to get educated on the concerns and problems caused by male mentality and entitlement and the abusive nature of some men. Now is the time for men to educate others and to have the courage to speak up when other men are showing disrespect or harming women. AND it will take courage to come up against a traditional mindset that has been acceptable among men for centuries.